Tips for Natural Beauty

Tips for Natural Beauty

Tips for natural beauty

Looking beautiful doesn't have to break the bank. Here are some tips for looking beautiful, the natural way:

* Eat foods rich in silicon, like leafy green vegetables, for healthy nails

* A homemade muesli with nuts, oats and rolled barley with fresh berries, or a berry smoothie, will feed your skin

* Try a facial of natural yoghurt with a tablespoon of honey

* Wash hair with raw eggs or rinse with beer after shampooing and conditioning, for extra shine

* Detox with a juice made of carrot, beetroot, celery and apple

* Refresh puffy or tired eyes with slices of cucumber

* Use a non-petroleum-based paw ointment to give your lips a shine

* Feed your soul and put the shine back in your eyes by taking five minutes out every day to do something you love.

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