3 home remedies for Hair growth

Home Remedies For Hair Growth:

Coconut Milk:


Coconut milk is rich in proteins, iron, potassium and essential fats. It reduces hair fall and breakage.

How To Use:

  • Extract the milk of a coconut

  • Apply it on the targeted areas

  • Keep it overnight

  • Rinse off with cool water the next day

This is the most effective hair growth treatment.

Green Tea


As you all know, green tea is rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants prevent hair loss and boost hair growth.

How To Use:

  • Apply warm green tea all over your scalp

  • Leave it for an hour

  • Rinse off with cool water

Cumin Seeds:


Cumin seeds come packed with 100′s of nutrients and vitamins that are great for replenishing your hair.

How To Use:

  • Soak cumin seeds in olive oil or castor oil

  • Let it soak overnight

  • The next morning, apply it to the targeted areas

  • Wash after 15 minutes with a mild shampoo

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