Lemon Remedies for Pimples

Lemon Remedies for Pimples

1. Lemon and Groundnut Oil

This seems to be the easiest home remedy for pimples- just take one tablespoon each of lime juice and groundnut oil and apply this to your face. This method prevents blackheads- the foundations for pimples!

2. Lemon and Rosewater

Smells wonderful apart from treating your acne! Mix lime juice with rose water and apply this on your boils. Leave it for about 30 minutes. Now wash off with water. It’s that simple but remember to do this daily for at least 2-4 weeks depending upon the severity of your pimples.

3. Lemon with Sandalwood and Cinnamon Powder

Why only rosewater, these powders derived from sandal wood and cinnamon too are great when it comes to fragrant remedy for pimples! Just mix one of these with lime juice and apply on pimples in the same way as you did with rosewater-lemon combination and you’ll get rid of acne within 2-4 weeks.

4. Lemon with Egg White

You read it right. Egg whites too are a great companion of lime juice for treating pimples. Apply some fresh lime juice on your pimples. Then take a little egg white and dab it on the pimples over the layer of lime juice. Let it be there till the time you are no longer able to tolerate the smell. Wash it off. Try this whenever you are up to making some preparation from egg! You just need to run your fingers inside the empty egg shell to get that little egg white you need for dabbing on your pimples. Remember, having egg whites daily is as healthy for your body as it is for your pimple-less face!

5. Lemon with Veggies, Fruits and Milk

You might have used lime juice to season your cucumber salad, it’s time now to use this combination for your acne too! Grate or grind cucumber finely and add 2-3 tablespoon of lime juice to get a paste like consistency. Now apply this paste on your pimples. You can even rub this paste on your face and neck to prevent blackheads that gradually give way to pimples.

After, veggies, there are fruits too! Roast the peels of pomegranate and ground them to get some powder out of it. Now mix this roasted pomegranate peels powder with lime juice and make a paste out of it. Apply this mixture to your pimples and see them vanish in almost no time! Yes, it takes a little effort to roast and powder the peels but it’s a quick remedy for pimples.

Now it’s the turn of milk. Take a cup of milk, don’t boil it. Mix some fresh lime juice to this milk and wash your face with it as you do when you apply some face-wash. This natural face wash made with milk and lime can prove a good remedy to get rid of those pimples.

A Word of Caution…

Lemon juice is a natural bleach but it also makes your skin photosensitive which means that sun will be more effective on your skin and thus it’s harmful rays can play havoc on your skin. So, better be aware and avoid applying lemon juice on your face during daytime, at least when you plan to go out in sun. However, if you have lemon juice even during day, it won’t harm you. On the contrary, it’s good for your health. So, you might like to have a teaspoon of lime juice and honey each dissolved in warm water first thing in morning. This detoxifies your body helping in maintaining the pH balance of your skin which in turn means reduced or no pimples!

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