Make Hair Tonic with Coconut Oil-Curry Leaves

Curry leaves not only grant great aroma and taste to your dishes but also brings back lost pigments to your hair. These leaves are nature’s gift having certain pigment that can retain your original hair color. So include curry leaves in your diet. Use them to temper your gravies, boil them in water and have as tea, grind them to mix with buttermilk or curd and have tasty treats. Here is one recipe to make an excellent hair tonic with curry leaves. Make it and store for daily use.

You will need:

• Coconut Oil- 100 ml

• Curry Leaves- a handful of them; you may also increase the amount.


• Mix curry leaves with coconut oil.

• Boil them together.

• If it’s winter, your coconut oil will be in solid state. So, first heat it to melt and then add curry leaves to boil them.

• When the leaves turn black, put off the flame.

• Strain the oil and store in an air tight container.

Apply this oil to your hair daily at night and massage your scalp (only scalp) with fingers gently. Massage for about 15-20 minutes. Leave it overnight and wash off your hair the next morning. Use this oil for at least 3 months to get results.

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