I always have in my collection, more than one hairbrush. When I was young I used to collect different kinds of hairbrushes. Now I have 4 different types of hairbrushes. Every Hairbrushes are used for different purpose. So I thought I'd share what hairbrushes I use for each step of the hair care process.
yellow and purple are so
common Wide Tooth Comb. I
bought it at very low prices. These two combs work
so well. That’s why I have not changed them yet. I'm using these two Hairbrushes from
2006. Other two brushes from Faces and Veda.
One is Paddle brush another one is Natural Bristle Brush. Last one is Parting or “Rat Tail” Comb from Faces.
are my most common types of brushes
which are available on the local market.
Wide Tooth Comb:
Wide Tooth Comb is best
for detangling. After shower I use this wide tooth comb to break away
all the unwanted tangles. If you suffer from any sort of tangles in your hair, you
need this!
Bristle Brush :
Vega’s Bristle Brush for all type
hair. Generally I use this brush on drying time. The bristles
separate the tugs easily and as an added bonus which I feel on my hair. The balls on the end of the
bristles are very much gentle to my hair.
Paddle brush :
Paddle brushes usually have
bristles coming out of a soft cushion and are great for massaging the scalp,
detangling, and smoothing naturally straight hair. After using
this brush for the first time my hair was amazingly silky smooth and shiny. This Paddle brush is
my favorite. Generally I use Paddle brush for stimulating
scalp after oil massage. Do not use this brush if your hair is wavy or dry.
Parting or “Rat Tail” Comb :
The head can be used for styling, while the pointed handle is perfect for
parting hair. Whether I want a center, side, or zigzag part, I use this
comb's pointed part. Plus, the fine
teeth of the comb are great for smoothing out any cowlicks and bumps in my hair
So, Which hair brushes do you use?