Hair Loss Remedy with Hibiscus

Hibiscus too has been used as traditional medicine for hair loss in many regions of the world. You can either have a tea made of dried hibiscus petals or make a concoction to apply to your scalp.

Make Hibiscus Concoction

You will need:

  • Coconut oil

  • Curry leaves

  • hibiscus flowers

  • Gooseberry (amla)


  • Boil coconut oil, curry leaves, hibiscus flowers and amla.

  •  Let it cool down.

  •  Strain the oil.

  •  Massage your scalp and hair with this oil

  • Leave for 30 minutes.

  •  Wash off.

  •  Do it daily for better results.

You may also boil hibiscus in some water and mix lime juice in it to apply to your bald patches after staring the liquid. After leaving it there for some time, wash off with water.

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