Benefits of Henna for Hair

Henna has been used as a herb for medicinal as well as beauty purposes. It is also believed to be excellent for hair. Find out about the various benefits of henna for hair and how to use it correctly...

Why is Henna Good for Hair?

Henna seeps into the hair follicles, and thereby strengthens the roots.

This herb repairs the hair cuticles or the hard outer layer of the hair strand which protects the internal hair cells from damage. This helps heal the entire shaft of the hair strand individually.

It restores the pH balance of the hair as well as the scalp, which prevents the hair roots from weakening and thinning off due to excessive hair fall.

It has its own antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties which is why it is excellent against dandruff and scalp dryness.

Henna is a natural hair conditioner and it helps make the hair soft and well moisturized.

It adds sheen and depth to darker hair color types. For instance, henna will make dark brown hair look darker while the hair strands glow in the sunlight with mild red highlights.

It helps cover gray hair strands.

People even use henna for hair growth.

It prevents split ends from recurring.

It helps repair damage caused from dehydration, pollution, blow drying, straightening and treatment as a result of chemical shampoos and hair products.

Henna Hair Pack

Ingredients Needed

5 tablespoons of commercially available henna

3 tablespoons of yogurt

Juice from one big lemon

Hair oil

1 whole egg

1 cup of black tea

Using Henna for Hair Conditioning and Coloring

Take a bowl and pour 5 tablespoons of dry henna powder into it. Now add 3 tablespoons of yogurt to the powder and beat the two thoroughly so as to make a thick paste.

Now add the one cup of black tea to the paste and keep beating the concoction while you add the lemon juice to it, after which you should let the preparation remain intact and untouched for about 3 hours.

Once you are ready to apply the paste onto your hair, add a whole egg into the paste and once gain beat the concoction until it's a bit wet and slippery.

Add some more tea water if the concoction is too thick and is not falling off the spoon.

The next thing to remember is that you will be required to wear plastic workshop gloves so as to protect your hands from catching the color of the henna while applying it to your hair.

You will also need a thin dye brush with which you will need to apply the henna paste uniformly all over your hair.

Before you begin applying the pack, you must remember to oil your hair thoroughly. This is a must because oil protects the hair from absorbing too much of the color. It also helps condition your hair in advance and makes it faster for the hair follicles to absorb the nutrients from the henna. Leave your hair be for about ½ an hour after which you must start applying the henna paste.

Now take one patch or chunk of hair at a time and apply ample amounts of henna to the hair. Remember to begin from the roots or the scalp until the tip of the hair. Ensure that all the hair cuticles are thoroughly coated with the henna hair pack.

Once you are finished coating all the sections on the scalp, you will need to bring all the sections together so as to create a uniform hair bun.

Now you should cover your hair with a shower cap as it's the easiest to wash and does not catch the reddish color of henna. Let the cap remain for 3-4 hours, after which you must wash it off with warm water.

The henna will prove a bit resilient and will require that you massage it clean from the scalp and the hair strands. Use a mild shampoo after most of the henna has been washed off with water.

Allow your hair to dry slightly, after washing it with shampoo, after which you should apply a very thin coat of oil all over your hair. This will prevent the hair from looking frizzy and will make the maintenance more manageable.

Allow your hair to dry in the sun or air dry. Do not blow dry it if you can avoid it. You will notice how soft and shiny your hair feels. You will need to repeat this treatment every 3 weeks in order to notice the beneficial changes taking place in your hair. You will notice that your hair fall has reduced and that the quality of your hair has improved substantially.

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