How To Take Care of Your Panties in Winters

How To Take Care of Your Panties in Winters?

While it’s your outfits that get a lot of compliments but to be honest your undergarments are superheroes. Your bra and panty are true heroes that make you look like a sculpted structure. So taking care of them is really important. But how to take care of them? I know till now you’ve been just washing them with your regular clothes but sweetie that’s not the right way. And especially in seasons like winter, you need extra care or else get ready for vaginal infections. Sounds scary right? Rather than suffering it’s better to take precautions before itself. In this blog I will mention a few tips on how to take care of your panties in winters: 

Don’t bleach

Never wash your underwear in harsh chemicals such as bleach. Bleach can cause chemically induced vulva irritations and can also break down the materials in the underwear causing them to wear out soon and leading to increased rubbing and skin irritations.

Use lingerie bags

Hand washing undergarments is recommended but if you are pressed for time and have to use the washing machine, make sure to put them separately into a lingerie bag before you throw them into the machine. Also, make sure to wash your panties with cold water. Hot water can ruin the quality of the fabric and its elasticity. When you dry, use the lowest setting. If you use high heat settings, it can ruin the elastic or spandex in your underwear. So if you want your fav panties to stay with you a little longer make sure to wash them with cold water

Separate undergarments by color

You definitely don’t want to ruin that sexy white panty or nude panty so ladies if you want to put them safe,  make sure to wash dark underwear separately. Now you know what to do the next time! 

Type of detergent

Most of us think it is not important but believe me, it is extremely important ladies. The usual detergents we use for our regular clothes can be harsh on your pretty floral and polka-dotted underwear. Harsh detergents tend to break fibers very quickly and tear them apart. With mild and soft detergents, your undergarments stay in the same shape and smell amazing.

Store your panties properly

Washing is an important step to panty care, but storing is equally important too darling. Lay your underwear flat in a drawer, so that they can be in great shape and have enough room to breathe.

Now you know how to take care of all your pretty pieces. Sweetie, these tips will definitely help you to take care of your panties! Read them carefully and don’t forget to share them with your loved ones too! And if you’re looking for some comfortable panties at some amazing deals check out Clovia! This site has amazing panties with great quality at amazing deals.

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